Emerald Ash Borer community informational meeting May 18


The ISU Extension and Outreach Wright County Office and Iowa Department of Natural Resources are bringing information to the county following the recent confirmation that Emerald Ash Borer has arrived in Wright County. The meeting will provide current answers to the public’s questions on this devastating insect on Tuesday, May 18th from 5pm-6:30pm. The program will be held at the Wright County Extension Office, located at 2302 Madison Ave Suite B in Clarion. Pre-registration is required; contact Missy Loux to register by May 14th at 515-532-3453 or louxm@iastate.edu.

Dr. Donald Lewis, ISU Professor of Entomology and ISU Extension & Outreach Entomologist, will speak on treatment options. Mike Kintner, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship Entomologist, will focus on Emerald Ash Borer biology and regulatory matters. Emma Hanigan, Urban Forestry Coordinator with the Department of Natural Resources, will talk on replacement to achieve a diverse tree population.

The emerald ash borer is a native Asian insect considered to be one of the most destructive tree pests ever seen in North America. The number of confirmed infestations in Iowa has reached 43 counties. Once infected, ash trees die within two to four years.

We are prioritizing the health and safety of Iowans and are following the most current federal, state, local and university COVID-19 guidelines. Visit Open for Iowa to learn our protocols to keep Iowans healthy and safe. Participants are required to wear a cloth face covering and maintain a six-foot physical distance between non-family groups.


Wright County Monitor

P.O. Box 153
Clarion, IA 50525
Phone: 515-532-2871
Email: news@wrightcountymonitor.com

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